Anthony Constantinou Share New Healthy and Safe Food Product


Anthony Constantinou | Anthony Constantinou CEO CWM FX says  Fast food can be precarious for your health because of excess salt present in it, but a new food product development make pizza and cheese burgers safer.

According to various studies, excess salt can cause high blood pressure, which leads to heart disease, affects kidney and can cause heart failure problems. Some processed foods that include cheese, having little bit of salt are considerable in diet. This is because conventional cheese making process requires salt as a preservative and used for taste enhancer. Recently this strategies of making cheese become change and experts are now trying different components, which contains 60% less sodium than the previous process. This plays an important role in reduction of high sodium component from natural diet.

Two well customary cheese processing systems i.e. Farinograph and Blentech cooker were utilized. In both ways direct scale equipment was used to scale up industrial production. Regardless of having only sodium reduction, these low sodium snacks product gives delicious taste. These products made by experts contain dry protein ingredients such as casein powder to replace the level of amount used in making traditional cheese. In unsighted tastings you will get delicious taste, with standard levels of sodium chloride present in it, which cannot become harmful for your body.

Further rewards of the new process are that it is faster than conventional methods and require less amount of energy. It is expected that these new product will be widely approved by manufacturers to use in pizza, burgers, and other fast foods to remove the quantity of sodium from every day’s meal.
Let’s discuss about the food items that must include in your daily diet to have a healthy heart and living.

It is one of the best foods for heart and has great taste. You can eat Salmon with pasta, salads and rice which increase its deliciousness.

Blueberries are rich in vitamin C and seem to have a great antioxidant that can be included in daily diet in the form of frozen, fresh and dried ones.

Oats are the excellent source of protein in morning times that are primarily used in bread, cookies, and muffins etc. and also become helpful for individual suffering from heart problems.

This is yet another important food that helps in controlling the blood sugar levels, high blood pressure and fights triglycerides in the body.

Therefore, these new food products should contain more whole-food crabs that are minimally refined and retain their naturally good nutrients to fulfill the requirement of the customer. That is really how our bodies are intended to thrive.


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